"Dramatis Personae"
Tonight we have the Loser goes to Hell match for the iNCW! Our guest announcers are arriving just now, Barry "the King" Bawler and Toni Jabroni! Here they come!
Jabroni: Yes, tonight is the Loser goes to Hell match in the iNCW! We have Agent Orange against ChaosBill as the competitors. And as Guest Refs, we have none other than Lance Pink and Chevalier! Here they come now!
King: Listen to that, Tony! They're really letting those guys have it with chants of "#%$hole!" Wait!! Here comes Chaos Bill!!! But who is that with him? Wait a minute! Thats Thawk, DidiSlam, Tough Guy, TheJester, and CatWoman, ! All 6 of them storm out of the back to "We Will Rock You"! Oh, this could get ugly fast!
Jabroni: The old school slammers are now in the ring, riling up the crowd... it's total bedlam here in The Garden!
King: Damn skippy! Hear that? Looks like Agent Orange is here, cuz the lights just went out and... and "Electric Funeral" by Black Sabbath is thundering over the PA! The ramp's ablaze! This can only mean one thing, Tony, HE is here and he's PISSED OFF! Here they come...Agent Orange... BigDave, BitterDog... the... my God... The Dark Knight... Max Entropy, and Lord! Now they're walking around the ring taunting "Old School" and riling up the crowd! I can't even hear myself anymore! Oh wait...here comes out commish, Moses.
Moses: Well guys. Since both of you brought out your friends, we might as well make this a little elimination tag match. Now your careers hang in the balance of your buddies....good luck!
King: Oh man! Did you hear that! So now it looks like Team Old School -vs- The Circle! This is totally unexpected!
Jabroni: Starting the schtick off for Team Old School will, of course, be ChaosBill himself. and for The Circle, will be Agent Orange... after that, it's any man's fight. They stand in the ring, talking some serious trash! Man, chaosbill has to be out of his mind, AO's at least 2x his size!
King: And there's the bell! Quick knee to the groin by ChaosBill, european uppercut... russian legsweep! Bill is opening with everything he's got... to the third turnbuckle... In the air for a moonsault--
Jabroni: NO! AO is up, catches him, and nearly powerslams him
through the mat! AO drops an elbow... another... oh NO! He's
applying the dreaded... and i mean DREADED "Armpit of Death," which has been brought back for this special match! Nobody's ever sur--
King: Thawk jumps into the ring and breaks the hold with a boot to
the throat! Dark Knight jumps into the ring, cross body block! Lance and Chevy are frantically working to clear the ring! ChaosBill tags in Tough guy...Agent Orange tags BitterDog!
Jabroni: toughGuy definately has the psychopath advantage here, but BitterDog doesn't dissapoint! TG off the ropes... going for a clothesline...ducked by Bitter... Tough Guy on the way back... leapfrog by bitter dog... TG slams on the breaks and puts BD on the mat with some kind of neckbreaker! Going for an elbow drop... Bitter rolls out of the way at the last second!
King: They lock up... BitterDog stomps on his foot... boot to the gut... DDT! BitterDog plants ToughGuy with a DDT, but he isn't giving up so easily! Both on their feet, ToughGuy with a dropkick! BitterDog sails into the turnbuckles and TG follows up with a Vader Attack! Bitter crumbles to the mat like--
Jabroni: No! Uppercut to the groin! ToughGuy is in a LOT of pain right now! Knee to the face by BitterDog... sets him up... BRONCO BUSTER!! bitterDog is giving ToughGuy a bronco buster! BitterDog tags in Max Entropy!... Max off the third turnbuckle with a knee drop to ToughGuys throat from WAAAY up there! Max tags BigDave... SAME DEAL! Bigdave tags in Lord! Lord jumps into the ring and... and OH MY GOD!! He is stomping a mudhole in the motionless Toughguy! He must have learned that from his time in big brother! Dark Knight is begging for a tag! No! DigiSlam runs into the ring to break...
Lord tags DK and nails Digislam with a boot to the groin! Dark Knight with a flying heel drop right onto ToughGuy from the third turnbuckle! ToughGuy isn't moving!
Jabroni: DK tags Max... Mex in the air from the third turnbuckle... Dark Knight powerbombs Max Entropy onto toughGuy!! The refs clear DigiSlam and Lord from the ring and DK starts screaming
smack at ToughGuy! Max with the cover... too easy, ToughGuy is out cold! 1...2...3! toughguy is staggering to the back when... Agent Orange picks him up, tombstone piledriver onto the pavement followed by a vicious use of the steel steps!
King: OH THE CARNAGE!! TOUGHGUY IS DEAD!! DECAPITATED BY THE STEEL STEPS!! First death of the night!! oh this is SICK! Now in the ring is ChaosBill vs Max Entropy! Bill with a spinning heel kick to Max... Max is teetering! WHAM! ChaosBill with a boot to Max's bad knee! STUNNER! ChaosBill just stunned Max Entropy! Now he's applying a sharpshooter, really applying the pressure to Max's bad knee! Max is trying to get to the ropes... No dice! He is forced to tap out! Max Entropy is done and heads for the back, with a shotgun slung over his shoulder! That's 4-4 now!
Jabroni: Agent Orange into the ring... these guys are at it again, when guys on both sides haven't even gotten into the fray? Here they go! chaosBill again opens up with a fury of attacks... Agent Orange is teetering... Bill whips him into the ropes... AO looking for a clothesline on the way back... dropkick by Chaos! Bill off the top turnbuckle with a moonsault... BAM! Agent Orange is down! chaosBill drops 2 elbows and several punches to the face, now ChaosBill tries for a cover... 1...2...NO! Broken up by Lord with a solid boot to the arse!
King: ChaosBill tags in thawk! Agent Orange still hasn't tagged anyone in! thawk and AO square off... boot to the gut by Agent Orange... Powerbomb! Ao grabs thawks feet... Oh how AWFUL! Knee drop to the groin! That'll sterilize ya! AO off one set of ropes... the other--
Jabroni: Met with a fist to the head by CatWoman! Agnet Orange topples like a house of cards! Thawk is rolling on the mat in pain, both sets of teams are straining for a tag here!
King: This may be awhile! I've just recieved word from the back that
something horrible has happened... Rodney DangerField has been found shot to death! With him is Speed Demon! Back to the action; Thawk tags catwoman and she jumps from the turnbuckle with a flying elbow! Agent Orange meets them with a size 15 foot to the face! Catwoman hits the mat and is dazed! Agent Orange tags in BigDave! Dave runs in and starts kicking and stomping like a house of fire!
Jabroni: Yeah! Goes for the cover on the dazed CatWoman...1...2..NO! Broken up by Digislam! Dark Knight catapults Bitterdog into the air and Bitter nails Digi with a spectacular double leg drop from 15
feet up! BigDave tags in Lord as the ring gets cleared... Now
we have Lord sqaring off with Catwoman. Lord flips Catwoman off and charges! Fierce series of rights to the face! Stomp on the foot, knee to the head... elbow to the back... Guillotine leg drop! Man, Lord is going nuts out there.... Immediately to the top rope... looks like he's going for a huge splash... NO! catWoman
rolls out of the way! Rookie error there! Now Catwoman is setting up for a bronco buster! NO CHANCE IN HELL! Dark Knight runs into the ring... STUNNER!!! STUNNER!!! Catwoman hits the mat like a 2 ton weight!
King: chevalier just threw Wild Bill from the ring. Lord with the
cover... like there's any real problem now... 1...2...3! Catwoman is
TOAST! Here comes Thawk from behind! Caught Lord off guard! Atomic Drop! Thawk with the cover... 1...2...3! Lord is gone! Look at that, Dark Knight is chasing Catwoman up the ramp! looks like he's setting her up for---
Jabroni: NIGHTFALL FATALITY!!! I can't believe it! He killed
Catwoman out of cold blood! Now we have Thawk in the ring with
Agent Orange! Bitterdog is begging for a tag... no dice! Thawk bounces off the ropes, elbowing Bitter off the ring apron! Now he tagged ChaosBill! CB off the top turnbuckle with a spinning heel kick! Agent Orange takes the shot but is still standing! AO off one set of ropes... ChaosBill ducks the elbow... Orange to go-- NO! Digislam just hit Agent Orange in the head with the timekeeper's bell! Lancepink and Chevy aren't doing a thing! We know they've let this fight go on like a hardcore battle, but this is insane! Agent Orange is really dazed... chaosbill dropkicks him! Knee drop to the
throat... 1...2...shoulder up! CB applies some kind of headbutt
drop or something! BigDave trying to get into the ring to break up the second cover attempt, but Chevy keeps him out! 1...2...3! Agent Orange is eliminated! He barely rolls out of the ring and here comes Bitterdog!
Jabroni: Bitterdog spears ChaosBill and it's an all out brawl! Fists and feet are flying!! bitter gains a momentary upper hand and tosses ChaosBill out of the ring! bitterdog to the top rope... it gets shaken by Digislam!! BitterDog falls on top of ChaosBill! They must have cracked their heads together because NEITHER is moving!!
King: And there's the count-out Chaos and bitter don't know who they are or where they are! bitterdog sits down on the decapitated body of Toughguy, who is still twitching! I don't think bitterDog knows what the hell is going on! Chaosbill staggers out to the back. Now remaining for The Circle is the Dark Knight and BigDave, and for Team OldSchool, thawk and Digislam!
King: Digislam squares off with Bigdave... dave with a Polish uppercut followed by a vicious backhand! Didicomes back with a series of smacks! He's trying to lay the Smack Down on BigDave! Dave kicks his knee, twists... Oh yeah!!! Boston Crab!! Digislam is in a LOT of pain right now! Thawk jumps in the ring to break it up... NO! Dark Knight off the top turnbuckle for... for an INVERTED NIGHTFALL!! thawk is DOWN!!! Dark Knight kicks digislam several times in the head...
Jabroni: Wait a second! We've just received word from the back...
ChaosBill IS DEAD!!! CHAOSBILL IS DEAD!!! Someone found him out back, obviously overcome by The Armpit of DEATH, then according to the coroner on the scene, he's been drowned in jello!! Yes! Grape Jello! That still doesn't explain the wooden dildo shoved in his ear, but I'd say it's overkill! JUST LIKE WHAT BIGDAVES DOIN' TO DIGISLAM!!! Dark Knights got Digi in a figure four leglock and BigDave is hitting him in the face with a steel yo-yo! Oh the humanity!
King: What's this? A peace offering? YES!! Dave is offering Digislam a piece of Pez! DK releases Didi and picks up thawk by the throat! Thawk is still out cold! Look at BigDave! He's shoving that Pez Dispenser so far down Digislams Throat, you'd think this was a cartoon!! That's harsh!! I'll bet nobody's ever died choking on a Pez Dispenser before!
Jabroni: I can't bear to watch, look over there! The Dark Knight, is stealing thawks soul!!! Incredible!!! Thawk is left twitching and screaming on the mat as DK turns to Lance Pink! The match is obviously over, but The Circle OBVIOUSLY doesn't think so!! It appears that Lance has DISQUALIFIED Dark Knight for soul taking!! I can't believe this!! Well.. can anyone? Dark Knight kicks Lance in the balls... STUNNER!! Bigdave is the last of The circle... THE CIRCLE WINS!!!
King: Oh my GOD! DK just destroyed thawks soul!!! It's GONE!! Here come Max Entropy with several firearms and such, and Agent Orange is
with him... with a MACHETE!! AO decapitates the twitching thawk!!
OH my GOD, he killed THAWKY!! That bastard!!
Jabroni: Now from the back come Bombshell, Tamzi, Sic Puppy, Amer_Eagle, Cage, and the Mighty and Powerful DAVELEE!!! Oh, it's total anarchy! The horror, the humanity.. the ratings boost!! H
King: chevalier is now squaring off with Dark Knight... they're screaming at each other... Lance is out cold... Not any more! Dave and Max break him in half on a table turned on its side!! That's just BRUTAL!!! All little kids, if you're STILL watching, YOUR PARENTS SHOULD BE SHOT!!! TURN OFF THIS TV RIGHT NOW... nah... on second thought... WE WANT YOU TO HAVE NIGHTMARES!!! YEEEHEHEHEHAHAHAAAA!!
Jabroni and King begin to fight with their chairs and mics.... King
applies a tombstone piledriver on Jabroni... Jabroni pulls a gun and
shoots King directly up between his legs!!! That bullet just exited the top of his head! Good thing he wasn't alive, otherwise he'd WANT to die.... Entropy notices the new gun on the scene and puts Jabroni out with a burst from his SKS. DK seems to not care about the fight going on, or his teammates frantic screams to stop... he's cutting open the mat!!
THERE'S A VAT OF MERCURY UNDER THERE!!! Agent Orange jumps from the third turnbuckle into the mercury... and floats right up!! Mercury's so dense, you can WALK on it!! Check this out! Amer_Eagle is up in the rafters... drops down on top of AO with a pogo stick!!! Agent Orange just got impaled by Amer Eagle!!! That'll leave a mark! Agent Orange is essentially DEAD! DK sees this, swears violently, then throws his Member Defender (knife) at AmerEagle... Nailed him in the temple! That'll really leave a gouge!
Now Dark Knight grabs Chevalier... Chevy wrenches free and runs like hell. It's an all out brawl out there!!! cage walks out from the back, and DK makes a hand motion at him... HE GETS CRUSHED BY A GIANT
GOBSTOPPER! What the hell is up with THAT?! Nobody seems to notice
Bitterdog, who's STILL sitting on the twitching corpse of Toughguy... eeeewww!! He's picking TOughguys decapitated nose! He's NUTS! Wait!! Here comes Tamzi... Bitter takes the head and shoves it down Tamzis throat! Talking about DEEP THROAT ACTION!!! Too bad ToughGuy doesn't feel it! Tamzi is dead! Here comes DaveLee! He farts on Bitterdog!!! BitterDog MELTS!!! Oh now that's just uncalled for!! Talking about TASTELESS!!!
He takes one of BitterDogs bones and shoves it through Sic Puppys head! Talking about getting BONED! Here comes Bombshell... IN A SUPER-LATE RACE CAR!!! It's sporting a #27! He runs over DaveLee AND BubbaKing!! SPLATTO!!! OH no! He just hit Agent Orange's body, drops the drive shaft... POLE VAULTS THE CAR OVER THE RING!! KABOOOOOOMM!!! He just took out rows 7-40 in the D section! HOLY @##$!! Not only is the crazy guy in one piece, he's walking away, just a wee bit of smoke coming from his arse!! Realizing that he's done here, he leaves for parts unknown.
Cage and Bugsy are duking it out with Maul! Maul uses his X-rated vision to strip them BUCK NEKKID! They turn on Maul and kill him to little pieces!! They turn to leave... NO! Here comes Magus! He applies the BALL SCRATCHER on BOTH OF THEM! Now he's... oh it's HORRIBLE!! Here comes Quint!! He defacates in BOTH of their mouths! The toxicity of the levels of the feces kills ALL THREE OF THEM!! Quint heads for the ring, to kill the Max and BigDave...
Meanwhile, Dark Knight and Chevalier are duking it out on the lake of
Mercury! Chevy kicks him in the groin! DK doubles over... he goes
for a DDT... NO! DK manages to hoist him into a side suplex...
SPLASH! right onto the mercury's surface... DK cuts one of the ropes
and whips him with it!
Dark Knight: WHO'S YO DADDY?!
He wraps the rope around Chevys neck, and ties the other end of it to a 300lb weight and throws it into the lake! It sinks like a stone and CHEVY GETS HUNG UPSIDE-DOWN IN THE VAT OF MERCURY!! Will he die of hanging, or drowning? Not like it matters, the feet hanging out of the surface are just damn right amusing! Too bad he kicked some of that mercury into Dark Knights mouth! Oh man, MAD HATTER SYNDROME!!
Dave and Max have frozen Magus in a block of clear ice.... With a
sodomized rubber chicken stuffed up his nose! Dark Knight starts to
scream and cry and laugh and scratch his unmentionables as he tries to
balance on the feet sticking out of the mercury... HE'S A *REAL* LUNATIC NOW!! Max breaks out with a chaingun... TARGET PRACTICE!!
He puts close to 40,000 holes in the block of ice and Magus with
it!! Oh that's just OVERKILL... but when isn't it?!
20 minutes later
BigDave, Max Entropy, and Dark Knight stand on the smoking ruins of the iNCW arena...DK is busy chewing on the barrels of one of the chainguns.
Dave looks at Max. Max looks at Dave. Dave looks at Max. Max looks at Dave. Davelooks at Max. Max looks at Dave. Suddenly there is the sound of a squeaking wheel approaching.... DK doesn't seem to notice... he accidentally happens to pull the pin from the grenade and....
Agent Orange wakes up in a pool of his own sweat...
"Wow...what a wierd dream, Damn! Talk about match anxiety. I hope that really doesnt happen man. I dont want to DIE!"
He looks at the clock, realized its only 3:24am, and goes back to sleep.
Festee: Wow ladies and gentlemen, do we have a great match for you tonight. Our main event pits two classics against eachother. Chaos Bill, who as you know is one of the original 13 slammers, will face off against Agent Orange, who has been around since early '98. Both men have had there fare share of experience here in CSlam. We dont know much about ChaosBill and his triumphs, but we do know some stuff about Agent Orange.
Mayes: Please, spare us the spiel on what college he went to and what football team he played for.
Festee: Dont worry Lord Mayes. Im only talking bout his CSlam career. He has been in numerous stables, some being Big Brother, the Assassins Guild, the Dark Side, the Rebellion, and many others. He is currently a member of the Circle, headed up by his close friend, the Dark Knight. His title history is as follows; one time CBF heavyweight champ, lightweight champ, two time intercontinental champ, he revived the European Title which was vacated by Cabo, won the Tag titles once with AL bradd in the team called the "Thought Police". In the iMWA he won the heavyweight title once. Here in the iNCW he is a three time worlds champ, numerous respect title winner, and a former member of the tag team known as "Blurred Image". He represented the CBF and Big brother in the Ultimate finals back in October of '98, finishing third, only because he was jobbed down by CerealKiller.
Mayes: You better shut up there Body...youve already missed Chaosbills entrance. Agent Orange is halfway down the friggin ramp now!
Festee: Sorry, got carried away...Ok, both men are in the ring now, circling eachother, trying to size the other up. You know, Agent Orange defenately has the size advantage here. ChaosBill is going to have his work cut out for him.
They lock up, punch to the face by Agent orange. He delivers a kick to the groin...CB cant take that kinda punishment! He is probaly on viagra as it is, the old fossile!
Mayes: That damn stuff is expensive! How am I supposed to...oh nevermind. Back to the action!
Festee: Yeah...thats sick Lord Mayes. Know what...i refuse to work out here with you until you clean up your act!
Festee leaves the announcers stand. Lord Mayes bursts into tears and runs after Festee. Accidentaly, as he runs past the ring, he knocks into one of the ropes that ChaosBill was standing on. CB loses his balance and falls to the mat. He immediately signals for the bell.
Wait..this wasnt supposed to happen! CB is really hurt. Agent Orange looks around in confusion. The referee is tending to ChaosBill now. Wait...here is the ring announcer. He has just talked to the REF
RA: Ladies and gentlemen...this match will continue.
Inside the ring the ref instructs agent orange to just pick up bill, deliver a quick Tranquilizer, and end the match. Bill has severly injured his knee and cannot go on any further until undergoing strict medical care. So...
AO sets CB up for the Tranquilizer...and nails him. CB is down, AO for the pin...1...2...AO PULLS UP!!!!
The ref looks at Agent Orange is shock. AO nails the referee with a closed right! HE glares down upon ChaosBill who is looking up in fear. Fear of what Agent Orange might do to his injured body. Then AO produces a lead pipe from his trunks. He winds up, swings it around and BAM!!!
He just whacked bills injured knee with the force of a locomotive! WHAM! he nails him again and again, viciously hacking away at ChaosBills injured knee. It looks like AO doesnt give a damn about his mans wellbeing!
HERE COMES TOUGHGUY AND HIS BODY GUARDS!!!! They surround the ring. AO notices them and pulls away from Chaos Bill. He now takes out a mic.
AO: Hey Billy boy...listen up and listen well. The voice you hear right now is that of your god! I could end your life right now, and I very well might have ended your CSlam career tonight. I will let you go though, so you can tell the other 12 losers what it is like to step into my world. Face it, your time is up! It is MY time now ya oik! hit my music!
A rope extends from the rafters and AO climbs on and rides to higher ground as Toughguy and his bodyguards tend to the fallen Chaos Bill.
And the cameras fade toblack.