Tuesday, September 27, 2005

"For The World Is Hollow And I Have Touched The Sky"

Confusion. I hate it. Its what I am at this very moment.

Clarification. I love it. It is what I usually get after hours if not days of deliberation.

Communication. I attempt to practice it. But as the song goes, its always the same.

Condition. I hate it. When one has to make conditions, one gives up what they are.

Continuation. I dont know. If it is going to go on it also must also stop.

Confusion? I would say "sucks, doesn't it", but you aren't experiences this. Surely.

Things that piss me off.

Part 2

No, not now. I am a very happy person.

Why? Boston is leading 3-1 in the 6th of the first game of their double-header versus the blue jays. And even though the Bills are 1-2 already, they are ahead of themselves last year. And...dispite anything else, hockey returns in 8 days.

"Noone is gay for Moleman"


"Day Of The Dove"

Things that piss me off. Once again, this will be sure to offend someone, I am sure.

"The New Orleans Saints (and LSU Tigers) are now everyone in Americas 2nd favorite team".

Okay, so the south hasn't looked this bad since Sherman marched to the sea. I feel bad for the people who live down there or have family/friends in the area. But I hate having the saints and tigers being forcefed upon us. The Saints have sucked for years now. They still suck. They will continue to be a terrible team, and that would not have been any different if Katrina hadn't paid them a visit. I groaned loudly that first game of the season when they beat Carolina. I was sure it was another post 9/11 scam where the team in the devastated area just miraculously became the best team in the world.

Actually, since 9/11 the Yankees have lost 2 world series (DBacks and Fishsticks), lost in the divisional series (Halo's) and lost the ALCS (Botox)...after having that 3 game lead.... I will stop there. Now that I think of it, Boston has had more to cheer for since 9/11. Those fucking Patriots are damn near unstoppable..fine, I'll say it, they are unstoppable.

Sorry, getting off the subject. Just trying to say I am sick of being told I have to love and accept these "feel-good" teams that are trying to rally the community. Sorry Saint. I still hate you. even ricky Williams left you high and dry before he made a habit of it.

I mean, they were a team with nothing to root for before the hurricane. Why should that suddenly change now that they have no home? I am not trying to be unsympathetic. My heart really does go out to the people of the region. And the players on the team. I feel bad for them that they have to play possibly the most fucked up schedule ever now. (why not have them play in Mexico City instead of the 49ers? I mean, that city is sinking too and...bad form alex...bad form...)

Okay before I get lynched for being politically incorrect (pretty soon I will be called "Hitler" or even worse "W", and be accused of hating the black people /err..."Minorities) I better sign off. Insensitive prick that I am.

you've got to make your own kind of music


Thursday, September 22, 2005

"Spectre Of The Gun"

"Because I'm Still In Love With You, On This Harvest Moon"

I was just reading Wyatts site. 2 things made me think of that song. One was obvious- the Pearl Jam setlist.

The other in his posting on Robert Kennedy.

Last night I was ay Yesterdays with Shawn Kevin and Doc. I went there after the premiere of "Lost" - excellent episode-, for mug nite. Well, as it happens, mug nite has not existed there for at least a year. Okay whatever. We all chugged straight from our "mini-pitchers".

I was approached by a girl there who wanted...WANTED to rub in my face the fact that Boston now trailed the Yankees by 1/2 a game in the AL East, and were for the moment, OUT of the playoffs. She asked me how it felt to lose to the Devil Rays. At this point, I started to tell her she must now as a Yankees fan, as the D-Rays have made NYC its bitch this season. But I stopped myself.

Instead I replied, "Hey, its fine by me. It was too fucking wierd having the Sox in 1st place. Like a creepy episode of the Twilight Zone. It just didn't seem quite right."

I went on to explain how if it came down to it, I would rather see the Indians or the White Sox get the wild card, even if it meant Boston was out of the playoffs. Suddenly I had a crowd of Yankees fans proclaiming Sainthood on me. I was a banner they could all stand around. What they do not understand is, I am not so much a Red Sox fan, as I am a anti-Yankees fan. When I was a kid, back in the 80's when the Yankees were doing nothing, they were my team (because my family loved them, and bought me Yankees clothes to wear). Then around 88 I became a fan of the Oakland A's. Then in the strike year, I started to root for the White Sox. Yes, I did so because Snoop Dogg and Dr. Dre wore White Sox hates. they just looked so damn bad ass. Needless to say the Chisox were/are still my team to this day. It just so happened that last year, whilst the red sox were defeating the los angelas angels of anaheim california, I purchased myself a Redsox hat. Not as a bandwagoner, but as a smart ass friend who just wanted to annoy my yankee loving friends.

So wow, I got off the subject... I was talking about how the Red sox being in first was like an episode of the twilight zone, and how that reminded me of what Wyatt said in his post.

I have had much the same hang up now for 5 plus years. And the main toll it has taken is that it has made me be emotional unavailable towards new girlfriends since then. Why do we get so hung up about these old flames? Because we dont see (or dont WANT to see) them as "old flames".

Eliza and myself once had this discusion that love is not like a light switch. You cannot just turn it on and off. Just because the power company cuts your power, does not mean that you suddenly have no want for light. Just because one person in a relationship changes their minds about the way they feel, does not mean the other has to or will do so. I believe that in 95% of relationships their is ALWAYS someone who loves the other one more, and ALWAYS someone who needs the other one more. And it is usually the same person. The thing about that is... it really sucks to find out that they did not need you like you needed them in your life.

The point is, I have grown so accustomed to yearning for old times, that it seems natural now to be apart. after all we have been broken up now for 5 years and 7 days. I wouldn't know what to do if we were together again. I would try to make it just like before even though I know it would not be. that is not to say it wouldnt be great, or that it would be doomed, but it has been so long, it would be like dating someone entirely new, you just happen to know alot about their past.

I don't know if I have made any sense. All that I probably managed was to piss off Mary Kate, and that was not what I was trying to do. I am just open about my past, and have no problem voicing my many opinions.

Well, I guess I will crawl back into obscurity now. Homework beckons!

And in the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make.


Wednesday, September 21, 2005

"Is There In Truth No Beauty"

Well since I last posted what have I done (this might explain some of my anti-blogging these past few days) since then. Have to work my way backwards. Last night (tuesday) I read the 37 assigned pages from my US History 2 book, and also studied for my math exam I had earlier this afternoon. Mary Kate stopped by for a while to bring me onion petals from arbys, and to try and email her perspective boss.

Monday night I had WW2 class, and afterwards (beforehand to) I read the rest of "Beowulf"--today I started in "Sir Gawain and the Green Knight".

I alas could not join Shawn, 6B, and Doc down at the pub. Not much drinking going on anymore.

Sunday, I read the 90 something pages I had assigned for my WW2 class, after the Bills got the snot kicked out of them.

saturday night I went to Max and Ermas out in Erie for my mothers birthday. After that I ...studied...gee whiz, do we see a pattern forming here. Before that I went to the Fall Festival of Bands.

Friday night....hey, I actually drank this night, and Thursday night. Mileys, Mileys and the pub.

Only thing I had to be bitter about Friday night was that at mileys I put $5.00 in the jukebox for 25 songs. No sooner do I do so, then everyone decides, hey lets leave and go to the pub. I was a little pissed. Oh well. Whatever.

Well, now I have to get back to doing my work. I am typing an essay comparing and contrasting the major U.S. cities before the civil war, and at the end of the 19th, beginning of 20th century.

bastard son of a bastard son


Thursday, September 15, 2005

"And The Children Shall Lead"

Well, now I have to take out a student loan. Thats right. Tap only gave me $250.00 afterall, so now I have to do this alternative method. JCC said they would not let me have a student loan from them because I am not eligable for financial aid. I didnt think a loan was aid. I mean, I thought there was a fundamental difference.

What the fuck

Just a side note: I seriously need to play some poker. It has been almost 2 weeks since I have played.



The above is a link to an article about the 25 worst sports fans in the world. Makes for an interesting read, if your into that sort of thing.

Aww hell..heres another one from the same site

the link Im putting up is from part 10.. so you might want to go to the link on the page to part 1.


over and out


Tuesday, September 13, 2005

"The Paradise Syndrome"

"I'm so HAPPY"

Survivor Guatemala: The Mayan Empire, debuts this Thursday Night on CBS.

I now have the topic for each of my term papers (all three of them) for my classes. In my Brit-Lit class my topic is: The Decline of Feudalism and the rise of a three-class society in England: when, why, economic and political effects, contemporary documents which comment on the shift.

I will be honest, I am worrying about that one the most.

My topic for WW2 is: The Allied Meditterranean campaign contributed little to the overall effort to defeat Hitler and was a major factor is the postponement of the Cross-Channel invasion till June, 1944.

This was supposed to be done as a paper, choosing a side (pro or con) and also debating your choice against another person in class who has the same topic. I however got stuck the odd man out. I have no partner. I can argue pro or con. Or I can just present the facts. I am going to argue that it WAS NECESSARY to do so.

Finally, my US History 2 topic: Woodrow Wilson, Henry Cabot Lodge & Americas Place Amond Nations.

This one is to also be done with a partner as a presentation, on top of the term paper yourself has to right. It is based on articles in our textbook: "Clashes of Will".

Any help anyone has will be greatly appreciated.


Here is a sampling of my WORLD WAR 2 notes.

Rhineland<-----Key to French Domination over Germany-resource rich- dmz- Dawes Plan failed w/ Great depression. Hitler. Prussians Kaiser

Appeasment- restore balance of power. create a buffer between britian and russia.

intro: the most destructive war in history until WW2. first "total war". defining event of 20th century- ww1 haunts ww2. diplomacy tactics military strategy. origins of the war, totality of war, opening moves

origins; russo-japanesse war 1905 . breakdown of bismarckian diplomacy . naval arms race. the balkans . the schlieffen plan

Nipo-modernization. Shogun era, isolation. "most favourite nation" treaty

China weak - euro-sphers of influence. industrialized, built modern navy. China, Manchuria, Korea.

Balkans, cremian war- port arthur- surprise attacked the russians. nips killed reds.

turmoil in russia. bolsheveik stress----> looked back at balkans. -Panslavism- multi-ethnic empire. OTTO VON BISMARCK

thats enough. you see my scatterbrained noted taking. now you know why my mind works the way it does.

that does it for me. lets let the real hosts of this column take you home

Inignot: Hello, Carl, I am Inignot and this is Err.

Err: I am Err.

Inignot: We are Mooninites from the inner core of the moon.

Err: You said it right.

Inignot: Our race is hundred of years beyond yours.

Err: Man, you hear what he's saying?

Inignot: Some would say that the Earth is our moon.

Err: We're the moon.

Inignot: But that would belittle the name of our moon, which is: The Moon.

Err: Point is: we're at the center, not you.

Carl: No, the real point is: I don't give a damn.


Meatwad: Hey you guys, did you say that it would be easy to get whatever I want, like a ten speed, because that's what I really want.

Inignot: Getting it is easy. Filling it with illegal substances and sending it across the border is not.

Err: Yeah, see, those dogs, they can smell ANYTHING. So you gotta kick 'em in the throat.

Meatwad: Well hey now, guys, look. I do not want to do anything illegal here... but I would kill somebody... in front of their own mama... to get a ten speed. And if any witnesses testify against me, I'll gouge their eyes out.


Monday, September 12, 2005

"The Enterprise Incedent"

Nobody said it was easy.

3rd week of school began today. Work is done, and once again I cannot seem to get hired anywhere. Not that I honestly give a fuck.

I have devoted my life to school. I have given up drinking a few times even to study, or because I knew I has to get up early the next morning.

Well, today is September 12th. Five years ago the 12th fell on a Tuesday. Two days later I went to a Phish concert up at Darien Lake. Would be the last concert of theirs I would ever have the chance to see. A day after that...was the 15th of September, 2000. That day shall always be my most hated of all days (well, actually the 1823 days since then have not been all that much better. If you know what I am talking about then great, you know. If not, I am sure it aint to hard to figure out.

I posted that today, because I know if I talk about it on the 15th I will probaly drone on and on for hours.

10 songs to listen to for today, September 12th 2005:

10. Give My Love To Rose, Johhny Cash

9. Long Cool Woman

8. Wind Up, Foo Fighters

7. Push Me Pull Me, Pearl Jam

6. Hollow Years, Dream Theater

5. Allentown, Billy Joel

4. Something In The Way, Nirvana

3. The Luxury, The Tragically Hip

2. About An Hour Ago, O.A.R.

1. The Grand Illusion, Styx

There's no point in living, if you can't feel alive.


Saturday, September 10, 2005

"Spocks Brain"

Well, I have posted 66 entries to the site since I have been up here at Blue Wireless. Tonight will be my last post from the center of the mall.

In honour of this event, a repost of another "Farewell".



it's been fun, but. It's time for me to say goodbye. For real and for the last time.Okay, I’ve stalled on this long enough. It’s time to get this over with.....since it’s the last time I do this, it’s going to be lengthy....steel yourselves.

Sometimes.....I don’t know.....I guess sometimes you just get tired. A sort of tired that 14 hours of straight sleep on a cloud can’t overcome. It’s when you’re bones get weary down to the marrow. Not just with the physical aspect of the job, but the mental, spiritual, and emotional aspects as well.It’s a chore trying to entertain a crowd of people....to “get over” as it were.

Especially when you try to introduce a new, often controversial way of going about your job. Your boss, helpful as he can be, also becomes afraid of what you are doing...afraid that while it may appeal to a certain number of people, will eventually bottom out in the end and hurt the company rather than help it grow. He tries to work with you, allowing you to work your best, but eventually feeling the need to change your attitude....to EDIT you into a more suitable employee for the direction of the company. You can bitch about it, argue, beg, plead, and throw tantrums....but in the long run...you realize that you are simply a cog in the machine...and you either work with the others or you get replaced.

At which point, you have to ask...is it worth it anymore? Is it worth the arguing? Is it sacrificing your dignity and your values for someone who couldn’t do what you do if his life depended on it, yet seems to think that HE has all the answers and HE should be the one who puts you on a creative leash? You have to ask if you can live under a “gimmick” that is NOT yours? But rather the creation of another person? The answer, of courses NO...you can’t.

So you shake the man’s hand...wish him luck...and go find your fortune somewhere else. No harm, no foul. You try to be professional.....trying not to “shoot” all over the place during your last go round...and just finish things up with a simple goodbye and thank you.Of course, since your boss decides when and where you can say goodbye....he could be thank you for the effort you put into his company by allowing you to say goodbye on his forum....or he could keep you off “camera” as it were and edit you down until there are no signs of your name ANYWHERE in the company...as if you never existed.

Fortunately, there are OTHER avenues that you can go...and OTHER people who will say goodbye for you...or who will at LEAST help give you a proper send off. I.... I...(sniff)....sorry, I’m getting a little choked up here....it’s very hard to say goodbye to someone who gave you so much......So it didn’t work out...it was a good try. We’ve had a good run and I was supplied with PLENTY of material because of it. It also helped cheer me up during depressing times....a feat that I’m sure many of you can appreciate. But time tells the tale and now....I must say goodbye.

Dominik Hasek and the Sabres couldn’t find that one vision to unite upon and reach that kind of magic that would make Hasek somebody to love with the fans. In the beginning, Hasek seemed to be death on two legs, a man on the prowl looking to inflict his special dragon attack on anyone The Rigases wanted. He was a hitman in a suit and tie, careful to adjust said tie in the middle of his attack. A real cool cat who’s body language indicated that he was a good ol’ fashioned lover boy who wanted action this day and could give you a sheer heart attack with a mere flick of the wrist and send you headlong into the lap of the Gods.

Were he a fag, he would certainly be a Killer Queen.....were he a deity, he would certainly be Jesus, were he a farm animal..he would certainly be Mad the Swine. Were he a vessel, he would certainly be Kashoogi’s Ship...but I digress.But then Hasek went on his own, each match being an ogre battle that proved that he was not lazing on a Sunday afternoon with the love of my (or his) life during his days off.

He worked hard, trying to play the game and make sure that another one bites the dust each time out. He definitely tried to fight from the inside, calling up all his power to perform each and every night. In a company where everyone is stone cold crazy, he never seemed under pressure and never succumbed to jealousy. Instead, his motto was let me entertain you and proceed to tear it up as his opponents fought and fought, but couldn’t help but wait for Hasek's hammer to fall. We all may be all God’s people, but in the rink with Hasek, we were a bunch of fat bottomed girls looking to get an ass whuppin’.Alas, t’was not meant to be.

The Sabres wanted him to go one way, and Dom wanted to breakthru on his own. So they parted ways. So Dom, ride the wild wind on your own! Your matches were a Bohemian Rhapsody all to themselves, but in the cutthroat town of Buffalo..it was not a fine blend.

Dom, when you were in the goalies crease, a city banded with you, looked your opponent straight in the I and said “we WILL rock you!!!” And when you won, we would ALL stand proud and scream, “We ARE the champions!!”...my friend! You gave us 8 years of love...and we gave YOU....well...we tried not to ALL go to the bathroom at the same time....but some of us did drowse....sorry, but you WERE quite a bore sometimes.

See ya Big guy.....would it have killed ya to give us at least one more chance???

Jesus!And that’s it for me....I’m out of here

Who did YOU think I was saying goodbye to? You didn’t think I was leaving did you?

Admit it...towards the end, I had you going didn’t I

....heh heh heh

You can all munch my fajita

Well, I got a lot done. Boy.


Since I feel contractually obligated to post at least one new bit of info, I will say this. Today I purchased 8 tickets to the December 17th Bills -vs- Broncos game. Its a 8:30pm Saturday night start. I have 8 tickets (well 7 left if you count the one for me) so if you want to go, let me know pronto. $50.00 per ticket is the charge.

58 minutes to go, and then I done/

plug of the week


just check it out and support Corey and Mark.


Thursday, September 08, 2005

"Assignment: Earth"

Okay, so it's been a couple of days since I last posted. Sunk my crankshaft, bitch!

I told you it would be a while.

Since last we spoke,....I am pretty sure that my anti-blue spiel would get be fired if I wasnt leaving in 2 days anyways... oh it got heated between me and the customers.

what else...Labor day. That was fun. On sunday I went to the fest at Bergman park with Mary Kate and my family. had some kick ass blooming onion. mama mia!

the fireworks actually were good for once. On Monday I went to Mary Kates houes for chicken bbq...her dad makes hands down the best chicken alive. The man cooks a mean bird.

So, after that we came back to my house where we had another picnic with my family. was I ever stuffed or what.

My computer is pissing me off. Everything I type is taking about 10 seconds to appear on the screen. Alex no like.

what else...trivia night is done for the winter. damn damn double damn.

JCC is getting hot and heavy.

I dont want to do this anymore I'm bored.


what, were you expecting a lumberjack outfit?

Sunday, September 04, 2005

"Bread And Circuses"

Ferengi Rules Of Acquisition:

97. Enough, is never enough

98. Every man has his price

99. trust is the biggest liability of all

100. If they take your first offer, you either asked too little, or offered too much

101. The only value of a collectible is what you can get someone else to pay for it

102. Nature decays, but latinum lasts forever

103. Sleep can interfere with....

104. Faith moves mountains (of inventory)

105. Don't trust anybody who trusts you.

106. Their is no honor in poverty.

Someones in the Kitcher With Alex

Gumbo Ya-Ya
1 hen, about 6 pounds

8 cups water

2 medium yellow onions, quartered

2 ribs celery, each cut into 6 pieces

2 bay leaves

1 tablespoon plus 1 1/2 teaspoons salt

1 1/2 teaspoons cayenne pepper

1 1/2 cups vegetable oil

1 1/2 cups bleached all-purpose flour

2 cups chopped yellow onions

1 cup chopped green bell peppers

1 cup chopped celery

1/2 pound andouille or other smoked sausage, finely chopped, plus 1 pound smoked sausage, cut crosswise into 1/4-inch thick slices

2 tablespoons chopped green onions or scallions

2 tablespoons chopped fresh parsley leaves Cooked white rice, for serving
In a large, heavy pot place the hen, water, quartered onions, celery pieces, bay leaves, 1 tablespoon of the salt, and 1 teaspoon of the cayenne pepper and bring to a boil over high heat. Reduce the heat to medium and cook, partially covered, until the hen is tender, about 2 hours. Remove the hen and set aside. Strain and reserve the broth.

In a large, heavy pot or a Dutch oven over medium heat, combine the oil and flour. Cook, stirring constantly, until the roux is a dark, chocolate brown color, about 20 to 25 minutes. Add the chopped onions, bell peppers, celery and chopped sausage. Cook, stirring, until the vegetables are very soft, about 8 to 10 minutes. Add the reserved chicken broth and stir until the roux mixture and broth are well combined. Bring to a boil, then reduce the heat to medium-low and cook, uncovered, stirring occasionally, for 1 1/2 hours.

Meanwhile, remove the skin from the hen and pick the meat off the bones, discarding the skin and bones. Coarsely chop or tear the meat into bite size pieces. Add the chicken and the sliced sausage to the gumbo. Cook for 15 minutes. Remove from the heat and let sit for 5 minutes before skimming any fat that has risen to the surface.

Stir in the green onions and parsley and serve the gumbo in individual soup or gumbo bowls over hot, steamed white rice.


"The Ultimate Computer"

This is my first attempt at doing a review of ...well...anything. So, 3 months before it is even released (at least 3 months), give you...

Simpsons Season 7...Review

Brought to you by the H.P.o.A. Counter

Througout the summer of 1995, everyone across the globe was asking the burning question..."Who Shot Mr. Burns". On September 17th, the world finally got its answer in

Who Shot Mr. Burns Part 2: Police Chief Wiggums is trying to answer just that. Turns out Mr Smithers shot Jasper, Tito Puente did extract revenge (through hot latino rythms) and everything points to Homer Simpson. "This Suit, Better Burns" - spoken to Wiggum in a hot-milk enduced hallucination by Lisa Simpson. They spoofed on the Fugitive a couple times (Homers daring escape from the prison truck in the Krusty-Burger line), and we are left with the most intelligence-insulting ending of them all...Maggie Simpson shot Mr. Burns. Like Lisa said...Waylon Smithers would have made alot more sense. Much like "The Next Generation" ep. "Best of Both Worlds" 2 part cliffhanger, the 1st was ultimately better than the 2nd part.

Radioactive Man: Comic book geeks of the world unite! Radioactive man is being filmed in Springfield, and all the cast will be local springfieldians. Milhouse (learned last week that Nixon spelt his middle name withOUT the "e" on the end) gets to shine in this ep. as the anti-fame character. Wiggum and Quimby decide to take advantage of the naive hollywood producers and tax the movie through the roof...

Wow you know what? If you want to find out anything about the simpsons...just go to


This review is OVER!


"The Omega Glory"

Well, it appears as I am now the champion of the anti-blue wireless support group. You know that whole petition that was signed earlier last month against cell one? Well, its going down now with the blue as well. customers that are signing the petition have asked me to be their spokes person inside the company. Feel kinda like Captain Picard when he was taken over by the Borg.

I had to respectfully decline, stating that in 6 days I no longer work for this company, meaning that after next saturday at 9:00pm, I no longer give a rats ass if the reception is good, or whether the phones work right or not. Just being honest.

I will say it here to Haji, in case he hasnt noticed it or not yet on the fantasy hockey website, or the email i sent him. Dude, you said we need an extra player on our league, well I found one, but she cant sign up because the league is not in pre-draft mode. Might want to look into that.

Labor Day fest is today at Bergman Park. I will be there as SOON as I get off of work at 6 o clock.

Found out that going out drinking is becoming expensive. about as expensive as filling up my gas tank used to cost me.


okay. need to wait in the customers. what fun my life is.

yellow-matter custard dripping from a dead dogs eye


Saturday, September 03, 2005

"By Any Other Name"

Saturday morning and the mall is booming. I have been bogged down by the insane amount of customers. my head is pounding from the 108 oz.'s of beer I consumed in 3 hours time last night, and the phone wont stop ringing. plus i lost at poker...again. i really preferred winning.

and with the school work mounting up...damn im i happy i wont have a job this time next week.

I have decided on appyling to buff state this spring, I just talked to Amy Merchant and she says it was phenominal up there...much better than fredonias program, and UB doesnt have a teaching program.

okay. im tired. going to lay down now


Friday, September 02, 2005

"Patterns Of Force"

well now, here is an article I was just reading. it is from a write at inside pulse. I was just going to link it, but I will copy and paste it got you instead.

The Yeti Rants: Things ain’t so easy in The Big Easy

Filed under:

PoliticsJeff "Yeti" Hopkins @ 5:14 pm

“I think there ought to be zero tolerance of people breaking the law during an emergency such as this — whether it be looting, or price gouging at the gasoline pump, or taking advantage of charitable giving or insurance fraud, and I’ve made that clear to our attorney general. The citizens ought to be working together.” This is what our president had to say about the looters and lawlessness in New Orleans. I find it amazing how we don’t see the short sightedness of the culture we breed until that culture comes under stress.

Outlaws run the streets of New Orleans right now. Looting, vandalism, shootings, car jacking, and who knows what else is going on. People thought all they were going to have to do was survive the storm. Little did they realize the aftermath was going to be hell compared to the winds and rain that Katrina dumped on the city. Now, as federal teams are attempting to evacuate those who were too poor or too stubborn to leave the city before the storm, they are being shot at and attacked. Shots are being fired at rescue helicopters. Fires are being set to prevent busses from leaving. Gotta love that American spirit of giving in a time of crisis huh?
This is the culture that we breed. People are no longer expected to be self reliant. Out of a job? Don’t worry, the government will pay for you. Need some health care? Government has that covered. Food because you can’t work enough? We got that too. Now, at a time when this system is being stressed to the max, instead of these people accepting the help that is being offered, and maybe doing what little they could to assist others with them, they are greedy, selfish and blindingly stupid. It boggles the mind.

What do we expect though? Long gone are the frontier days where a man had to live as an island out on the prairie. American no longer means rugged self reliance. Most people expect to be handed things. Most people expect for things to be easy. Most folks take for granted that when we wake up in the morning the TV will turn on, water will flow from the faucet and if we need milk or bread that we can head over to the store to get it. There are no stockpiles of dried goods in a root cellar. Hell, who even has a root cellar any more? When was the last time anyone had to “make it through” the winter on what they grew in the previous summer? Ours is a life of convenience and ease.

I’m sure there are multitudes of stories of heroism we have yet to hear about. The media never wants to cover those. Pain and suffering is what sells. So we get reports of the chaos. The shots fired, the mother who has her six year old stealing beauty supplies. TVs, DVD players and CDs being stolen. Why? What good are they to anyone? Break into the store, get the food people need. That is one thing. That is practical, that is resourceful and that will let you survive until another day. Yet our minds don’t work that way for some reason. We’ve come to expect that the government will provide the necessities for us if for some reason. So we steal the nonessentials that we are told are “worth” something. Why don’t these people think to go do what they can for themselves? If you are able to shoot a gun at a helicopter, aren’t you able to go open up a lock for supplies or help a person off a roof? If you can break into a Best Buy and steal a VCR aren’t you able to make your way out of the city to a safer place?

Terry Ebert, New Orleans Emergency operations had this to say: “This is a national emergency. This is a national disgrace. FEMA has been here three days, yet there is no command and control. We can send massive amounts of aid to tsunami victims, but we can’t bail out the city of New Orleans.” How is it FEMA’s responsibility to stop people from shooting at them? How is it FEMA’s responsibility to make sure that people are going to use common sense and be calm while help arrives? We can’t rely on the government to do everything for us. People need to take initiative and help themselves. It will only make it easier for everyone. I agree that it’s a national disgrace. It sheds new light onto just what Americans are like when the chips are down. Greedy with no thought for helping anyone but themselves.

Remember the pictures from 9/11? People helping one another out of the rubble? That was one day. Those people got to go to their homes, take a warm bath, head to Olive Garden and then tell their tale of woe on Good Morning America. This is a national disaster. No Olive Gardens are left to go to, and the hot water is out because there is no gas. So what’s the solution? Steal someone else’s. Looks like that renewed American spirit didn’t last very long?

I think there is a deeper social commentary here that maybe I’m missing. Could it be that the people who were helping each other in downtown Manhattan that September morning were of middle and upper classes? Those used to working for a living and doing what they could on their own. When a person has to work for something, then taking care of yourself is just second nature. While in New Orleans we have the poor and the destitute. The middle class and the rich all ran, literally for the hills, while the poor stayed. So are we seeing the results of what happens when the handout culture is left with no handouts? Anarchy. That’s what’s going on there. Is this social difference the reason? I think it is. I think that these people are so used to being handed everything that when the handouts have dried up they are reacting with violence. Like a child in a store stamping their feet when a parent tells them No, these people are shooting at the symbols of their frustration, the very people who hand them things. We think we are helping, but we are just breeding a mentality that is dangerous. Don’t worry. You’ll be taken care of. Someone will do it for you. Well, now, when there is nobody to do it for them, are any of us surprised that these people have no idea what to do for themselves? Are we surprised that they are unwilling to help those around them? I’m not.


I do not agree with all the points he made (or is it i do not want to agree maybe). But in the same light I think their is a very good point made there. Awaiting Wyatts enlightened response here.


"Return To Tomorrow"

sometimes a someone is so hard to find

So my first full week of school is over. And what a week it has been.

Let me speak on this: I believe that what has transpired on the Gulf Coast (not just in New Orleans, but this seems to be the top pick for news coverage) this past week (Category 4, but easily could have been 5, Hurricane Katrina for those of you living under a rock) was a greater tragedy than the attacks on the world trade center in 2001. It will also have a much greater short and long term effect on our lives. The thing that disgusts me is NOT the looters in the area, or even those who are shooting at the military helicopters. If our government had been a tad bit (when I say a "tad bit", I mean had they removed their head from there ass) quicker in responding to this disaster...like as in utilizing every possible means of evacuation BEFORE the storm hit, we would be seeing a much different news coverage today.

After 9/11, the prez was on the television that very night, speaking to a terrified country, trying to assuage our fears. Even though I did not care for Bush, it was still comforting (and yes, my thoughts have changed in the years since) to see the leader of our nation telling us we will move past this. Okay. So now 8/29 happened (that was the day the hurricane hit, for all of you too busy STILL waving your "freedom flags" to let another date on the calender mean something) and where was our leader? Tuesday dawned, and still...nothing. Then 8/31...two days later, the president finally decided to speak. I swear to God I was waiting for him to work Saddam Hussein (remember HE bombed the Towers...not Osama Bin Laden) into his speach. He made promises of going after "big oil". He urged all (with all the zeal of a hotel warning to those caught in a fire) to please remain calm. Don't panic. Be good consumers. Please do not steal from stores. Do not take food, or medicine, or god forbid WATER DAMAGED televisions and radios that will not work anyways (they have to be trashed in the proper manner damnit). Wait for stores to reopen, and then those of you whom have not died from the various afflictions which you suffer from, will be able to purchase the goods you needed 2 to 6 months ago at inflated price. Vote Republican 2008!

And heaven help you if you take money from the casino. The mafia WILL hunt you down and kick your ass.

Maybe now we can rename the "Superdome" the "Freedom Dome" or "W-Dome" .

For more thoughts on this (not mine, but rather from those people who actually know how to speak properly...I just rant when I vent my frustrations) head over to wyatts site. www.zepcowboy.blogspot.com

Live to the nation
