Friday, September 02, 2005

"Return To Tomorrow"

sometimes a someone is so hard to find

So my first full week of school is over. And what a week it has been.

Let me speak on this: I believe that what has transpired on the Gulf Coast (not just in New Orleans, but this seems to be the top pick for news coverage) this past week (Category 4, but easily could have been 5, Hurricane Katrina for those of you living under a rock) was a greater tragedy than the attacks on the world trade center in 2001. It will also have a much greater short and long term effect on our lives. The thing that disgusts me is NOT the looters in the area, or even those who are shooting at the military helicopters. If our government had been a tad bit (when I say a "tad bit", I mean had they removed their head from there ass) quicker in responding to this as in utilizing every possible means of evacuation BEFORE the storm hit, we would be seeing a much different news coverage today.

After 9/11, the prez was on the television that very night, speaking to a terrified country, trying to assuage our fears. Even though I did not care for Bush, it was still comforting (and yes, my thoughts have changed in the years since) to see the leader of our nation telling us we will move past this. Okay. So now 8/29 happened (that was the day the hurricane hit, for all of you too busy STILL waving your "freedom flags" to let another date on the calender mean something) and where was our leader? Tuesday dawned, and still...nothing. Then 8/31...two days later, the president finally decided to speak. I swear to God I was waiting for him to work Saddam Hussein (remember HE bombed the Towers...not Osama Bin Laden) into his speach. He made promises of going after "big oil". He urged all (with all the zeal of a hotel warning to those caught in a fire) to please remain calm. Don't panic. Be good consumers. Please do not steal from stores. Do not take food, or medicine, or god forbid WATER DAMAGED televisions and radios that will not work anyways (they have to be trashed in the proper manner damnit). Wait for stores to reopen, and then those of you whom have not died from the various afflictions which you suffer from, will be able to purchase the goods you needed 2 to 6 months ago at inflated price. Vote Republican 2008!

And heaven help you if you take money from the casino. The mafia WILL hunt you down and kick your ass.

Maybe now we can rename the "Superdome" the "Freedom Dome" or "W-Dome" .

For more thoughts on this (not mine, but rather from those people who actually know how to speak properly...I just rant when I vent my frustrations) head over to wyatts site.

Live to the nation



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