"The Ultimate Computer"
Simpsons Season 7...Review
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Througout the summer of 1995, everyone across the globe was asking the burning question..."Who Shot Mr. Burns". On September 17th, the world finally got its answer in
Who Shot Mr. Burns Part 2: Police Chief Wiggums is trying to answer just that. Turns out Mr Smithers shot Jasper, Tito Puente did extract revenge (through hot latino rythms) and everything points to Homer Simpson. "This Suit, Better Burns" - spoken to Wiggum in a hot-milk enduced hallucination by Lisa Simpson. They spoofed on the Fugitive a couple times (Homers daring escape from the prison truck in the Krusty-Burger line), and we are left with the most intelligence-insulting ending of them all...Maggie Simpson shot Mr. Burns. Like Lisa said...Waylon Smithers would have made alot more sense. Much like "The Next Generation" ep. "Best of Both Worlds" 2 part cliffhanger, the 1st was ultimately better than the 2nd part.
Radioactive Man: Comic book geeks of the world unite! Radioactive man is being filmed in Springfield, and all the cast will be local springfieldians. Milhouse (learned last week that Nixon spelt his middle name withOUT the "e" on the end) gets to shine in this ep. as the anti-fame character. Wiggum and Quimby decide to take advantage of the naive hollywood producers and tax the movie through the roof...
Wow you know what? If you want to find out anything about the simpsons...just go to
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