Tuesday, September 27, 2005

"For The World Is Hollow And I Have Touched The Sky"

Confusion. I hate it. Its what I am at this very moment.

Clarification. I love it. It is what I usually get after hours if not days of deliberation.

Communication. I attempt to practice it. But as the song goes, its always the same.

Condition. I hate it. When one has to make conditions, one gives up what they are.

Continuation. I dont know. If it is going to go on it also must also stop.

Confusion? I would say "sucks, doesn't it", but you aren't experiences this. Surely.

Things that piss me off.

Part 2

No, not now. I am a very happy person.

Why? Boston is leading 3-1 in the 6th of the first game of their double-header versus the blue jays. And even though the Bills are 1-2 already, they are ahead of themselves last year. And...dispite anything else, hockey returns in 8 days.

"Noone is gay for Moleman"



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