Tuesday, November 13, 2007

"The Homecoming"

The point that some of my coworkers had picked up on, and I had tried to get across was this.

Why would I be stealing from FYE, when I had been working so hard for three weeks to bring a group of thieves to justice.

Let me clarify. At the end of September we had a customer selling back a couple of PSP games. Said he didn’t play the system anymore. Ok. Fine. Whatever, we buy stuff back from customers on a daily basis. It is a major source of income for our company, and we are stressed to buy back as much merchandise as possible. You see, FYE buys items from the customers for a few bucks per title, then turns around and sells it back for as much as a 300% profit depending on the title.

Well, so here was this new buy back customer selling us his games. He got about $5.00 per title. And then he started coming in every day, sometimes up to five times a day. For three weeks this went on. Often he was selling back multiple copies of the same title. About a week into October, a security guard from Sears, and the mall came in and confirmed our suspicions. He had indeed been stealing the games from Sears, and selling them back to us. They had only to wait and catch him in the act. Game Stop had now refused to buy anything from him. Other managers told us that we should stop as well. What was Pats stance? No way. He wasn’t stealing from us. He was helping our store make money, so under no circumstances would we prevent a known thief from acquiring more money through us. Oh, if she could get in touch with Sears in time, to alert him he was in our store, fine. That was ok. But we would still buy his stolen items.

The final time I worked with her before going on vacation, he came into the store. She and I were both at the registers, and he approached me. Pat completely ignored the fact that he was right there, selling numerous titles back. Every attempt I made at alerting her went unnoticed. As SOON as he walked out of the store she came out of her hazy stupor. She feigned ignorance, claiming not to have heard me saying his name loudly numerous times. Bull fucking shit. I knew what she was up to. She didn’t want him to get caught. Why? Because his selling stolen products back to us boosted our used buy back numbers.

And that made her look good.



Blogger Wyatt said...

Jesus, Oz... any job prospects? Someone else in the mall must be hiring around this time, at least on a temporary basis, right? Or are you going to look elsewhere?

2:19 AM  

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