"Requim For Methuselah"

Q: That's putting things mildly, 007
The Poor Mans Movie Review for FOR YOUR EYES ONLY
Roger Moore: James Bond
Carol Bouquet: Melina Havelock
Topol: Milos Columbo
Lynn-Holly Johnson: Bibi Dahl
Julian Glover: Aristotle Kristatos
Lois Maxwell: Miss Moneypenny
Desomond Llewelyn: Q
screenplay by Richard Maibaum andMichael G Wilson
stories (For Your Eyes Only, Risico) by Ian Fleming
Okay, getting away from the norm for a while I am going to count down my 10 favorite James Bond movies. And yes, # 10 is "For Your Eyes Only". After I do my top 10 favs, I think I will do my bottom feeder 10 for the Bond series. On with the show!
"For Your Eyes Only" was supposed to be the fourth movie made with Roger Moore as James Bond, but instead got pushed back to the fifth movie shown in theaters. This was due to the fact that MGM/UA felt that the fans had shown a strong support of Richard Kiels "Jaws" in "The Spy Who Loved Me", and they had planned on using him again in "Moonraker". Also the huge success of "Star Wars" at the box office made the producers think that Bond in Space was the way to go in 1978. This meant that "FYEO" got pushed back to 1981, and was therefore the only title used TWICE at the end of a Bond movie in the line "Bond will be back in_______".
The film opens up with Bond visiting the grave of his late wife Theresa (they have all the time in the world) only to be called away on seemingly official business. As it would turn it, it is actually an evil henchman in a mechanized wheelchair complete with evil looking white cat. They were not allowed to use the name "Blofeld" or "Spectre" after the movie "Diamonds Are Forever" due to a legal battle Cubby Broccoli and Ian Fleming actualy LOST to the co-write of the novel "Thunderball" Kevin McClory, so they used his likeness, and Bond soundly dumps him into a MAN-SIZED smoke stack. And on come the opening credits. Theme song is sung by Sheena Easton, and marks the 1st time the singers image appears during the credits.
A British ship disguised as a simply fishing boat as accidently bombed and sinks (and just happens to be carrying the precious encryption device ATAC). ATAC controls the British Polaris Missiles, and it is a race between MI6 and the KGB to salvage the wreck. The British government sends two specialists, The Havelocks, to try and salvage the wreckage, but are untimely gunned down by an unamed henchman just as theire daughter Melina comes to pay them a visit. Polly wants a piece of...nevermind.
Well, I will not go into a whole review of the movie. It is enough to say that I had a hard time picking out my top 10 favs, and my bottom 10s. I picked this one because I feel as if it was Roger Moores last good performance as James Bond. It was around this point that he and Lois Maxwell (who had been playing Miss Moneypenny since #2 produced "From Russia With Love") were becoming too old to be accepted in the roles they were protraying. I enjoyed Topols character, Columbo, as I felt that his performance called us back to "From Russia With Love"s Kerim Bay. I particulary liked the scenes where Bond and Melina are tied behind the boar being dragged over the coral for sharkbait. And some good chase scenes in the winter olympics make for some good fun filmmaking. Also, let us not forget the nail-biting rock climbing scene from the end of the movie.
Well, that was my 1st attempt at writing a movie review. They will hopefully get better.
quick notes from the weekend. Friday, went to the Sabres game with my dad. We got a call on the way up there from a business associate of his, and got invited to upgrade our seats BIGTIME. We found ourselves up in the executive suites. Fucking A! Free pizza, wings, subs, cake, chicken fingers, coffee, pop, OPEN BAR!!!The pizza and wings were the BEST I have ever had, no joke.
Saturday I went with Mary Kate to her ex-bosses wedding. Fun time there, OPEN BAR at the reception afterwards down at the Season Ticket Restaurant in The institution. Was NOT impressed by the food. Only really enjoyed the keish and the meatballs. I have a real problem that some ppl think that if they serve you scant portions of food over the course of 5 hours and charge you 2 full tanks of gas per person, that it is automatically the best food ever.
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