Friday, October 21, 2005

"Let That Be Your Last Battlefield"

So I did my oral group presentation today on Wilson/Lodge and Americas place amongst the nations of Europe following WW1. Managed to get a Pro-Bush Lynch mob after me. We started talking about how America is faced with the same problems today: Should we police the world or should we be more concerned with our own business here at home, and to what extent do balance the two?

Well, of course this just HAD to lead to the topic of 9/11 and how the war in Iraq was a bi-product of this terrorist act. Thats when all of the republican lovers started running their mouthes about how we had to attack Iraq because of their involvement in 9/11, to which I questioned (what involvement?) and stated oh no, it had nothing to do with the fact the Saddam tried to kill W's daddy (and really, who during the Bush adminisration did NOT want to kill him?)...

I dared to utter the damned words of "Michael" and "Moore" in the same sentence which caused the full wrath of hell to be unleashed upon me. They were telling me how happy ALL of Iraq is because we liberated them, and how the people attacking us arent even Iraqi Nationalist, and they have NO RIGHT INTERFERING IN IRAQI POLICY!!!! Dont even get me started on the idiocy of that statement. I guess I found out the hard way that I was the only democrate in the room, or if not that none of the other anti-bushist were brave enough to speak up.

I was called "anti-american" and was told that I am a "racist" and a "hater". I asked what am I racist against, and was answered "freedom".

I cant wait until class on Monday.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have to ask... how can you be racist against freedom?

10:59 AM  

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