Tuesday, October 11, 2005

"The Empath"

2 months ago I brought to you my summer experiences from 99 to this current year. Now I will do the same with Fall 98 through this current year. You probably wont enjoy, but I dont really care.

Fall of 1998. Senior Year had just begun. I found myself in a health class, the only senior surrounded by tons of freshmen. This was one of my many classes labeled as "easy as hell". In Marching Band we were doing Les Miserables (sp?). I really enjoyed every ascpet of my senior marhing band year. I had a fun squad, I was their leader and we had some awesome tailgate parties. Alot of other squads looked down on us, but dammit, we had fun. We enjoyed ourselves. What else, I am finding that maybe the fall was not as memorable as summer.

Lets see, Yankees beat the Padres in the World Series. Swept them they did.

Fall 99: Fazolis. Blech. Went to West Virginia to visit Katie and Andy. Dragged Hajis ass to Concert Band. Had to sit in the JHS parking lot every day to bring ppl home from school. Mets braves had a great playoff series, I remeber Robin Venturas game winning Grand Slam. (or was that 2000?)... First semester at JCC. the Porn mobile drove on of its own accord until it met a fire hydrant headon. I would tell you of the christmas cactus but that is for a seperate column. lets see, I went to my first enjoyable homecoming, (yes it was AFTER I graduated). paid the lady at mcdonalds in change after me and 6B fled the scene. Ojo my ass. Sang in the 75th JHS Vesper Service. Signed the molotov-ribbentrop treaty, formed the new scottish gentry...

Fall 00: Kevin and Eliza (AND BILL) all ditch me for college. Damn your eyes! Subway Series took place. Finally got to eat in a booth up at Davies of all places. Grapepicking at an inappropriate time. all we were doing was studying biology. advanced biology. fuck ski club, and embarce perfect dark. thank you adam. Stood outside in the pouring rain at Darien Lake for Phish on sept 14th. Hey, it built character Josh. Love, and destroy. great policy. Auntie Annes pretzels was where it was at.

Fall 01: Went from Clarinets to Flutes. and back to clarinets in december. drove cars that I should have been renting out, sold satellite dishes, and got some free rentals from blockbuster. learned how much I hated german exchange students. Diamondbacks defeat Yankees! Took a LOT of walks, and became obsessed with the upcoming Lord of the Rings film. Fuck that Harry Potter dickwad ( I said back then). Threw my back out for the first time.

Fall 02: Angels beat Giants. JHS Marching Band won state championships, it was my sisters freshman year. I was working at Sears Shoes. bowled alot and learned how to play darts. was a blind fool who did not know when to go and when to stop. oh well. made some great films driving around at night. By far the least memorable Fall. We waited to Die Another Day with the latest James Bond Flick.

Fall 03: Much more interesting. I had 6B down at JCC with me. the yankees were back in the world series and were beat by the marlins in six games. Started going to Mileys more and more. I was working in electronics now, and drinking even more while on the job. Lets see, also met Mary Kate at Kevins. Started dating her a month later.

Fall 04: Alone. Moved to 20 colfax st Apt 1 with Joy and Mark. Crystal too. Red Sox win. They toook long enough. Weekly Hold em tournaments. miss those. spent a couple of weeks avoiding this pcyho girl Jim and Melissa tried to hook me up with. went to a great bills game. life was good. working full time at sears. actually being able to spend 150 dollars on groceries every 2 weeks, and pay for rent and utilities and all that jazz.

Fall 05: Well, its 19 days into the fall season, and lets see...I've gone to 2 Sabres games, i am in my FINAL FINAL FINAL semester at JCC, thank God, and I have moved back home because Sears fired me. I hear that the idiot who did fire me is gone himself, so YES, I plan on begging for my job back. I think I have a good chance. what will the next few 2 and a half months hold in stock for me? Stay tuned and find out yourself.

I AM going to the Bills Jets game this Sunday, going to go up on saturday night in an RV and get Trashed my friends. And I am going to the Bills Broncos game on Dec.17th. Go Sox...white that is.

touching me touching you



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