Tuesday, October 04, 2005

"Plato's Stepchildren"

...we came in?

Well, I have now had my first test in all of my classes except Brit lit. That is on Thursday.

I actually got a 92 on my math test. Dont know about the historys yet.

Currently downloading the new Franz Ferdinand album.

Sabres tomorrow. And I get to watch ALL Sabres games again as Time Warner has now picked up MSG.

Go in for my second day of training at Walden Books tonight.

After one day I already have that feeling in the pit of my stomache. I hate the mall. I hate retail. I hate waiting on people. I feel pointless.

Dont think this job will last past Christmas. They are all girls there and all have this sort of air to them that I cant place, but I feel a little unwelcome. I guess it is just that I know I will never be out drinking with these co-workers or even playing hold 'em.

There are some out there who will say that I am impossible to please.

They are right. I cannot be pleased it would seem.

And it isnt that I do not want to work. I do. I just want to have a REAL job.

Well, Im done here for now. See you when I see you.

isnt this where...



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