Thursday, October 27, 2005

"That Which Survives"


What a crazy time we are living in. Hurricanes, Killer Avian Flu Strains, Evil Goateed Iraqis and Iranians, shifty eyed Asians, and a conspiracy to give the American League Team (whoever it happens to be) an unfair advantage in the World Series.

And lets not forget that pagan holiday coming up where kids dress up like devils and worship ghosts!

I optimistically give this country about 50 years before we are flat on our backs living off the goodwill (hopefully) of other countries.

What is the solution, you ask?

glad you did!

1. Invade Iran

2. Invade North Korea

3. Invade Canada

4. Take back the Panama Canal

5. Annex Hong Kong, Thailand, and Taiwan

6. Stick it to the French and those limey Brits

7. Invade the Democratic Party Headquaters (see Axis of Evil)

8. Abortions for none

9. Supreme Court Nominees? Nah, lets give judge jury and executioner rights to the Prez!

10. Shoot all the Gays. Maybe not. "Recondition" them.

11. Send former Gays to invade Cuba

12. Abolish Catholicism

These are just a few solutions to the problem. USA USA USA!!!

Hmmm.......... don't know much about that.

This is Alex and that is all a load of shit up there, like you couldnt figure that one out for yourselves.

What have I got to say? Not much. I am thankful I have less than a month and a half of school left. I am looking into possibly taking some classes through empire state in the spring if I do not get into Fredonia. Options people options.

I got a 99 on my last math test. Sacre Merde!

I am so happy (even happier than last year) that the White Sox won the series. Just an amazig performance by them. Lets look back at my predictions from earlier this month on the playoffs.

45 days until Goblet of Fire.

So here is how it fares in the playoffs.

Round 1: White Sox -vs- Red sox....I want to see the Chisox go over here.

Angels -vs- Yankees... come one...Angels here.

Round 2: IF it is Angels -vs- White Sox, then I want the White Sox. If it is Angels vs Red Sox, then the Red Sox. If it is Yankees -vs- either Sox, than whichever Sox make it.

From the NL, come on...I wanna see an NLCS rematch of Astros -vs- Cards. And this time may the Astros go on to the Series.

In the World Series, I will root for Either Sox team over ANY NL TEAM. I will root for the Angels ONLY against the Padres or Braves. I will root for ANY NL TEAM over the Yankees.

So ranking would be ....either Sox, Astros, Cardinals, Angels, Braves, Padres, Yankees.

Just wanted to say this now so I get no slack in a couple of weeks for rooting for "this team" over "that team" or ya know.


Well, it is only 21 days and 9 hours and 8 minutes (from typing this ) to Goblet of Fire now.

And my predictions were DEAD ON this Year, and I got EXACTLY what I wanted!

Radical indeed!

And We Bid You Goodnight



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