"#1 In the 'Hood G' "

This is the first of many "Wierd Picture Study" moments here on the Cell Blog. Post a reply with as many things about this picture as you can. Where it is, when it was taken, whose in it, what items do you think you see. Just trying to get some participation going down.
I know Haji is reading, cause he is posting. Just need some ego stroking I suppose. I need to know who is reading, and I need others to know who is reading.
Pointless I am sure. But...such is life
Ok I know this one...why do i feel like im the only one here. It marcus, at the superbowl party. Where lots of drinking occured, and marc was screaming as i belive crystal snapped that pic of him, thought it could have been joy. Or you...u were all on that side of the room....i hate that side of the room for reasons un told to other viewers. anyways.... Super Bowl, mark, yay..i think i win!
and now its time for something complelty different... a senseless plug.
vist me at www.bottledscreams.blogspot.com for more senseless fun....not that i get any readers either lol!
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