"Not Just for Italians Anymore"
This coming Wensday, the Jamestown Municipal Band will be having their "Directors Choice" concert. It is usually the best concert the band does, outside of the "Jazz" or "Movie Themes" concert. Sure to be played is "Great Themes From Great Italian Movies", which is one of favourite titled pieces we play. Dont know why really, come to think of it. Maybe it just serves as a great lead in to...
Italian Festival, at St. James Church on August 5th and 6th. Thats always fun. Its no Yassou, buts its still good food and good music.
Also it has been brought to my attention that for 7 years now I have been spelling "douchebag" incorrectly. Thank you for the info Katie, and the egg on my face.
In memorium: James Doohan, aka "Mr. Scott" from Star Trek "The Original Series" passed away yesterday at the venerable but disappointed age of 85. Straight from startrek.com "Here's to ya, lad"
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