Tuesday, July 19, 2005

"Project B"

A couple of years ago I had an idea or two for a reality show. Both were based on "Survivor". My first idea was take a load of prisoners on death row, put them on a deserted island, and you can either let them run free and film it, or you can do the show in typical survivor fashion. Immunity challenges and what not, but every 3 nights instead of being voted off the island, the person meets their demise. Obviously at the end of the show, their is now noone left to make up "the jury", so bring in family members of the convicts the final two have now killed, and let them decide which one dies, and which one gets to live on the island alone for the remainder of their days.

Well this idea seemed kind of morbid. It was then that I thought it would be neat to see a bunch of celebrities battle it out for the ultimate prize. The only thing is, what is a million bucks to a celebrity, and why would they suffer that time in the wilderness when they could easily be making a movie, singing a song, or playing in the world series? I dont know. I still to this day can not think of a legit reason for stranding celebrities on their own volition.

So earlier this year I voiced my idea to three others: Crystal, Kevin, and Josh. We spent an hour or so at Mileys making a list of who we would like to see on the show. This is what we came up with:

Tribe Sambuca: Nicholas Cage, Sarah Michelle Gellar, Bruce Willis, Anna Kourinakova, Drew Carrey, Kathy Bates, Stephen Speilberg and Tom Hanks.

Tribe Sangria: Stephen King, Liv Tyler, Denis Leary, Winona Ryder, Dave Matthews, Sinead O'Conner, Derek Jeter and John Cleese.

Tribe Equis Equis: Peyton Manning, Mia Hamm, Chris Tucker, Natalie Portman, Matthew Perry, Hillary Swank, Robert Dinero and Samuel L. Jackson.

Tribe Banini: Sean Connery, Rosie O'Donnell, Mel Brooks, Martha Stewart, Jackie Chan, Michelle Rodriguez, Christopher Walken and Sean Bean.

So, we had the teams. I even made nifty pictures for each team which I will post in a while. I devised a plan on how to work out the voting off process. It follows thusly:

Shows One through 4, their are four teams. Each challenge, sees two teams with immunity, two which most go to tribal council. Therefore, 2 ppl voted out each show.

SHOW 5: 24 ppl left. Teams Reshuffled into 3 teams of eight. Noone voted off.

Shows six through 10. Two tribes win immunity, one goes to tribal council.

SHOW 11, begins with 18 ppl left. The team which loses the challenge is absorbed by the other two teams. In the second challenge is for tribal Immunity, One to tribal council. 17 left at shows end

Shows 12-17. one team wins immunity, one goes to tribal.

SHOW 18: 11 ppl left. Teams are reshuffled randomly, one person still voted off at end

Show 19. just like 12-17

SHOW 20: MERGE . Now playing for individual immunity. one voted off.

Shows 21-25. One person voted off each show, one person wins immunity. PPL voted off make up the jury.

SHOW 26. FINAL FOUR. Two Immunity Challenges. When final two are picked, jury can now make comments, ask questions of final contestants. Jury Votes on who Wins.

Haji and me even made up scripts for the first show, but the idea was quckly scappred as it seemed to be a dead shipper. Well I am interested in trying to get this idea started up. I know most of you are groaning right now, thinking that this is going to be the "ORF" all over again. No. This will be the LAST TIME I mention this idea here on my blog. If you are interested in helping me and Haji get this off the ground, out of our minds, and on da net, email me. Call me. Respond to this post. Creative writers out their, we need ya. This is gonna take time and effort. Well thats all for now. Im gonna try and get those team pics posted.



Blogger Phish J. Waters said...

why is it good ideas always get foiled? Huh??

5:02 PM  

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