The first thing that would have to happen is J.C.C. getting my info to Fredonia in a timely manner. The problem is, they will not send any transfer info like transcripts and such anywhere, not until I have graduated with a 2.0 grade point average. I will do so, but not until the 20th or so of December. If that will leave me with enough time to still enroll in Fredonia that would be great.
Then I would have to find classes, which I can enroll in still. I do not know how hard or easy it will be to find classes I need which are still open.
The final two obstacles are intertwined. My financial status, and my residence. As I stated earlier, I am flat broke. So unless I can find student aid, which would provide me not only with money for school itself, but also gasoline or rent money and food money as well, I am screwed. I could live here in Jamestown, but then I would be commuting every day, and just be out of the college loop. I do not need to tell any of you either how treacherous Route 60 can be in the winter. I could live up there (if it is within my budget) which I would much rather do, but would only be able to do so with financial support on the rent and food.
I am sure my job at Walden Books is seasonal, and will therefore end shortly after the New Year is run in. I am not good at working and going to school at the same time. At most right now at J.C.C. I can fit a workweek of up to 20 hours in with my schoolwork. That would obviously be less if I were at Fredonia where the workload will inevitably be tougher.
In short form, things do not look to promising for me over these next 6 to 8 months. But I will not let it drag me down, instead opting to optimistically keep my head held high.
Wyatt thanks for the tip by the way. I never thought about this.
Well, it seems like you have got your plans made up. Or atleast you know what you want. That is a good thing. You arent waiting until the last minute to make decisions, like several of my co-workers.
You seemed determined to achieve, so I think you will find a way around this.
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