Wednesday, November 30, 2005

"The Naked Now"

Well well well. I have officially become the tutor of my math class now, as I stayed half an hour after class today helping students on their homework that were failing the class. Who would have thought it!

I lost two games of poker this past week, so I guess that makes up for not playing last week.

Just when I thought school was getting easy it got a whole lot harder. I have two five page essays I have to write for my World War Two Final, both due on the 19th. And the project I have due this friday for US His.2 is not coming along well at all.

Rolling stones are the SuperBowl half time geriatric act. Never knew that a rolling stone could gather that much moss...

Yahoo! told me that we are this close to discovering a vaccine for the AIDS virus.

The Indianapolis Colts are going to run the table, thus sparing us from the celebration from all those ex-dolphins. As a Bills fan I say thank God!

One week from now I will have my full driving priveledges back. 90 days have never felt so long.

Tonights episode of "Lost" entitled "What Kate Did" is the last new episode this year. The next new ep. airs on 1/10/06. Heartbreaking, but at least they aren't calling it the "Fall Finale" like Fox is doing for all their Fall shows that need a ratings booster shot.

New Aqua Teen Hunger Force episodes begin this Friday night at Midnight on Adult Swim. And if you haven't seen it yet, check out "The Boondocks".

Your Moms Box



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