Thursday, August 11, 2005

"The Man Trap"

Well, next month marks the return to normal television programming. "The Simpsons" will make its earliest return to television in 7 or 8 years now. Also new episodes of "Family Guy" begin later in September. Adult Swim will be debuting new eps. of "Aqua Teen Hunger Force" as well.

In non cartoon TV, "Lost" will begin its sophomore season with new cast members which include Michelle Rodriguez. ABC has a news show debuting after "Lost", called "Invasion". Looks like it could be a very good show, but is getting nowhere near the hype that "Lost" received last summer.

What else, WWE Raw is getting moved BACK to the USA network after a miserable 5 year run on TNN (not TNN's fault, but the WWE's). TNNis one of the best networks out there now. Sorry I refuse to call TNN "spike". Think I will start calling it "Penworth". Now THATS a mans name, baby!

Okay, it is dinner time for me now, so I will post more refuse later.

All I want is Food and Creative Love



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