Thursday, August 11, 2005

"The Cage"

we will be joining work in progress up at the Chautauqua Mall in just a few moments. First however, a word from our sponser.

No no no...none of that here.

This IS the Daily Byte, I AM Alex, and your ARE (stood here for five minutes, could think of NOTHING clever to put here....screw it!)

Whats Pissing Me Off Today?

Those Fucking annoying US ARMY ads. You know the ones I am talking about. The guy is now a fire fighter, or he is flying a commercial helicopter, or shooting the shit with his buddies. And of course the guy is acting like he is all high and fucking mighty because he was in the army. Well, here is the perverbial spit in your face and I am also not giving you any fucking parades you self righteous bastards.

Before you lynch me, shut up sit down and listen. Noone acts like the pricks in those commercials. That is how the US ARMY WISHES their soldiers would act. What, don't belive me? Why not? Maybe you have a friend who has come out of the army, be it the front line or the basic training and they are all like that now. In my experience, those who have returned to the "home front" are some of the most immature, take what they want people I have ever met. They are still my buddies, I appreciate the sacrifice they are willing to put up for this bullshit war we got ourselves involved in, but that doesnt make them patron fucking saints. Don't let the propoganda fool you. Frankly I would have been less offended had the commercial had 'w' shouting out slogans, and seen young blonde haired boys marching in perferct formation. I mean, that at least would be more honest to what the current government would like to believe itself to be.

Sorry if I pissed someone off here. Oh and if you want, go rent Farenheit 9/11 and watch the scenes of the US G.I.'s behaviour over in Iraq. Blasting "Fire Water Burn" over the loudspeaker, because they thought it was humouress that Baghdad was burning. fuckers. Let me repeat myself...FUCKERS!



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