Friday, August 12, 2005

"The Enemy Within"

After the worst day of work I have ever had in my life, and believe me that is not an exageration, I just had to get my mind off things. I got to thinking about that horoscope. It was so accurate. Then it hit me, it was accurate because I WANTED it to be accurate. I validated all of the decisions I have made lately. Of course that didn't stop me from my usually after work festivities lately. Kwik Fill had 99 cent labatts 24 oz. bottles. Cant beat that price. So after downing a couple of those bad boys and watching some funny cartoons (Anti-Taco Legislation) I received a phone call.


Ironic how two nights ago I was drunk calling her, and now I am drunk again and she is calling me. "Co-stan-za". Wyatt knows what I mean.

Turns out she was in Buffalo at the Free "Great Big Sea" concert. I was going to go until I found out I had to work the day from hell, which now seemed even worse in hind sight. So she tried calling me from the concert, actually thought she HAD gotten through to me. She says something to the person she thought was me, and piped in some music from the concert over the phone. Once again Wyatt, I seem to remember having a conversation with you at the Chilis in Philly about telephone concert listening.

Turns out she called not me, but some guy named Greg, who she does not know, but for some reason was in her phone under my enrty. Go figure. This dude calls her up and tries to ask her out sometime. Fag.

Of course, I morph into five years ago alex (which isnt much different from right now alex) and threaten to kill the guy for talking to her, seeming how her own boyfriend didnt seem to have much to say on the subject. What an Odd Job.

Any way...wait, good news for me, and all envolved. I have just received my acceptance letter to JCC. Its no Ivy League school, but dammit I am back. Two week notice today muthafucka!

Well, I will be back later. Things to see, people to do and all that goodness.

I'd sooner take my life away than live with losing you.



Blogger Wyatt said...

That's some cold shit, brother...

Sorry - I don't quite know why I'm talking like that. Anyway - that sucks that she tried to call you and was denied.

With my particular situation, it always seemed like when one of us needed the other the most, they were unavailable, and when we finally did find each other, the moment had passed and could not be replicated. I'm not sure that this is necessarily the same thing, but it certainly brings it to mind.

2:47 PM  

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