Wednesday, August 09, 2006


That's right folks, down with welfare. I am fed up with the idea that lazy types all across this great land of ours are doing absolutely nothing, contributing nothing to society, and receive a free ride for their efforts (lack of). The current government, hell the previous governing body as well, tells us that the system works. The only people who will receive government aid are those who acre actively seeking employment. The rub however is that they are NOT seeking employment. And why would they be, when they have every fucking incentive to remain on welfare. All they have to do is pick up 25 applications a month, fill them out, get some employers to sign off on them, and bam; they can get another months free check.
The great part of the system is that few people on welfare have their own transportation, phone service, nice clothing, or sunny disposition needed when looking for work. They know that nobody will hire them, and even if someone does decide, “gee whiz...let’s give this bastard child of society a chance to turn his/her life around”, (the only people who might do this would most likely be minimum wage employers), most likely the irresponsible welfare receiver will not take the job. And why not? Would you willingly take a pay cut for a more taxing job?

Did I give off the air that I am fed up with those receiving welfare? If I did, than I apologize. I am upset rather with the upper upper clase citizens wishing to give it to them.

“But Alex”, says the aristocrat, “the welfare system creates jobs for the middle class. Tens of thousands are employed across the United States in administrative roles, parole jobs, and the sundry. Middle class citizens such as yourselves are receiving money to help aid these unfortunate beings whom are unable to work due to various reasons. And your gratefully given tax dollars help fund programs which further aid those less fortunate than yourself.”

My response?

“If the lower class did not exist, then their would be no middle class. That’s what scares you upper class types the most, isn’t it? No separation of classes. No caste system to inflate your ego, your ill-begotten sense of accomplishment. If the lower class was allowed to contribute to society, instead of being giving ‘gimmie gimmie’ handouts just think what this country might accomplish. Furthermore, think of the possibilities if the middle class was challenging the golden rules handed down by the upper class, instead of gripping about the lower class.”



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