Thursday, July 27, 2006


Well, first post in nearly a month. First “written” post in much longer than that. Decided not to fall back on pictures and videos for once. I do have some SHOCKING news for you all.

1. I have quit Fredonia. That is right.

2. I am now assistant manager at FYE.

3. Those two are DIRECTLY related.

So, you can all judge me and my decision makings, I don’t really care.

I am happy. Let us leave it at that.

What else is new you ask?

Not much.


I will post more later as I feel like it.

And trust me...I feel like it.



Blogger Phish J. Waters said...

Gratz man. Managing should be fun for u. kick ass and take names mang! Sorry Fredonia wasnt working out. Glad your happy though.

8:56 AM  
Blogger Wyatt said...

So what tipped the scales? Was it problems with Fredonia, or is the money that much better as Assistant Manager?

I fully understand an unwillingness to return to papers/deadlines, but at some point, you have to wonder when/how you're going to get out of living with the parents...although perhaps it's just me who can barely tolerate living with mine...

Anyway, best of luck. I'm headed to the Casino in Bemus tonight most likely, if you'd care to meet up.

7:00 PM  

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