"Ensign Ro"
Previews before the film were for Pirates of The Caribbean 2, Miami Vice, and Casino Royale. Pretty decent previews, even the one for Vice was okay, although it did nothing to inspire me to want to go see this movie anymore than before (zilch). Pirates looks to be another great adventure. I am already ready already to see Bond 21 on opening night. Nothing any critic says about Daniel Craig will deter me from witnessing the “birth” of Bond. The one thing that gets me though is the problem which will arise with Judi Dench playing “M”. In “Goldeneye” she and Bond have a discussion of her predecessor. So obviously from that discourse, we can conclude that 007 James Bond was in place at MI6 before Judi Denchs character took over the role as “M”. Bernard Lee was the originally “M”. Perhaps they should have gotten an actor who could have matched his likeness in stature and diction to portray “M”. Of course, this would probably not have sat well with the Dame had she been asked to give up the role for a movie or two, to wait to be brought back into the franchise until a time arises when the series reaches the “current” timeline. Of course James Bond has experienced about as much changes in age and appearance as our favorite Timelord, that Tardis riden, Dalak bashing, Red Eyed Robot ass kicking Dr.Who.
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