Friday, August 26, 2005


Well, here we are once again, walking down memory lane.

Getting right into it with

Summer 2003: This was a pretty good summer. The trips to my land once again begun, and we also had a new hobby: Graveyarding/ghost hunting. We (Haji, me, Erik, Jim, Melissa, Keith, whoever), we went to Gurnsey Hollow alot, and also tried to find the elusive house of seven secrets. My summer was also spent in summer school, taking Writing About Literature with Marty Baum. Also this summer I was working more and more down in the Electronics Department at Sears. Really not much to say about this summer. It seemed to come and go very quickly.

Summer 2004: Was a completely different story. I was now dating Mary Kate, and she lived down in Jamestown at the westchester apartment thingy. This summer was once again spent up almost every night at the land. Bonfires all the time. The crew? Me, Haji, Elisha, Wyatt, Ben, Mark, Joy, Erin, Andy, Alaric, Julia, Erika, Ashley, Devon, James, everyone. We partied like it was 2099. And by now, nearly everyone was old enough to legally drink, so we were out at Mileys and the College Inn, and The Good Times Saloon like every night. This summer was part of the year I let my hair grow out to amazing lenghts. I was still in the Electronics department at Sears. Oh yeah, we also went to the Wine Cellar alot for the 50 cent draft nights. One night we all got so drunk, we were playing pool and noone could stand up on their own volition. It was great. That summer was easily just as fun as the summer of 2001, if not better. Better actually, because of "The Village".

Which brings us to this summer, SUMMER 2005: Lets see, I got arrested, got "fired" from sears, have had one fight after another, only been to the woods 3 times, have only hit up Mileys maybe 10 times, the good times 4, the college inn once. I did have trivia night, that was always a blast, and the poker nights provided me with a steady source of income. My current "crew" would be Ben, Joy, (used to be Crystal till she moved), Wyatt, his friends like Turck and Lindsay, Mary Kate (these past couple weeks shes come out to the anchor inn), Erik Larson, Doc, and thats about it. This summer also marked my desire to go back to school and make something of myself.

So what does the future hold in store for me? Keep visiting Cell Blog D, and follow my daily adventures. Until next time

Meatwad: Give him Clam Digger

Frylock: I don't think Clam Digger is...

Oog: Clam Digger. Give Oog Clam Digger.

Meatwad: Oh you gonna love this, boy. Tyrone calls you up, you know, in the game, and he says, "I can dig more clams than you, stupid!" And you've got to say, "Nuh-uh, boy!" And then y'all gotta race down to the beach with your buckets and your shovels. And the object of the game... is to find parking.

Oog: No Clam Digger.


Carl: Meat-man... ever since my son was... never born, because I've never had consensual sex without money involved... I've always kind of looked at you as... a thing, that I could live next to... in accordance with state laws.


Master Shake: I'm not in the business of seeing whatever pleases you!

Meatwad: Well I'm in business.

[under his breath]

Meatwad: Business of kicking your ass, and let me tell ya, business is booming. I'm open for business, business of giving you the business... up your butt.

Meatwad: [Meatwad looks and sees Master Shake with a baseball bat] Did you hear me say that?

Master Shake: Your looking to expand your business?

Meatwad: [runs away] Business is closed!


Shake: What the...? This closet used to be full of TVs!

Meatwad: Cause you keep breaking them.

Shake: Cause you keep pissing me off!


Master Shake: [Telling Meatwad how to cross the street] Look, theres only one way to get across this street, you close your eyes and just waltz out there with complete disreguard for machine.


Dr. Weird: Gentlmen: There's a chance, THIS will work!

Steve: Uhhh... actually, you said there's NO chance this would work.

Dr. Weird: [looks over to see himself hooked up to a vat of BBQ sauce] ... FOOL! That will never work!


Master Shake: Don't you touch those! They're in mint condition, and they're gonna stay that way!

Meatwad: I'll touch 'em all the way to the trash can is what I'll do...

Master Shake: You touch those and your G.I. Joes are gonna be M.I.A. my friend! and then who's gonna call Little Momma Joe, to tell her that her boy ain't coming home? Cause SOMEBODY was asleep on guard duty!



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