Wednesday, March 15, 2006

"Meat And You: Partners in Freedom"

Monday night we played poker at Joys. 11 people played this time. Table one was Travis, JP, Ben, Kyle, Pat and Matt. Table 2 was me, Joy, Ty, Erik and Adam. Same deal, 2 ppl out from each table and combine. Table one lost Travis and Matt. Table 2 lost Joy and Erik.

At the combine were Me, Adam, Ty, Kyle, JP, Pat, and Ben. Pat was by far the chipleader/favorite to win the tournament. JP was eliminated on the 1st hand of the combined table. Tye (who was the chipleader from table 2) was the next one to go down , thus increasing Pats staggering chip lead. I went out at the 5 spot, giving my remaining 18 dollars of chips to Pat as well. I left at that point. Pat won of course, but I hear that Kyle came back and actually gained chip lead over Pat at one point. Oh well, I can’t win them all (or 2 in a row anymore).



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