Wednesday, March 01, 2006

"Give My Remains to Broadway"

The Principal site of the moment plug goes to none other than

This site contains more info on “The Simpsons” than any Other.

Arms against Bush: It looks like that the troops over in Iraq are not in the mood to continue messin’ with the Iraqis. A poll of troops in Iraq was proof that they see their usefulness over there is waning. W’s misuse of the troops is in my opinion, wreckless.


I went to Erie Monday with Mary Kate to join Travis and Kristen at Damons for dinner. We also saw “Goblet of Fire” at the dollar theater. We were out there for Kristens 25th birthday. I realized at dinner that I can no longer eat meat only cooked to medium, nor drink mass quantities of alcohol with dinner. I am thru’ with the two.

Step out

The Amazing Race began last night and the teams actually left the United States in the first episode. This isn’t to be marveled at but for the fact they only left the US for two episode last season. The gay guys were eliminated first as they had a problem with being horizontal. Departure time for the winning team (the frat guys) next week will be 3:46 am. Most teams discovered that it is less stranger here than over there however, as San Paulo is more congested than NYC. The 10,000 dollar prize to each of the two guys who made it to the finish line was quite big.

Log out time

I am leaving. Now. Goodbye



Blogger Phish J. Waters said...

Oz, did u see that Queen with paul rodgers is going to be at HSBC. I know ur not the biggest fan of queen...but i figured....last chance to see queen in concert. I forgot the date....just go check the arena website...i think its the 17th or something...they are also playing clevland on the 21st. its has had some good reviews...maybe a show u will want to add to ur concerts.

10:29 AM  

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