"Peak Performance"
The next logical choice for the Chaperians to vote out would be Shii Ann. Throwing a monkey wrench in the works however, she went and won herself immunity. The odd woman out on Chapera seemed to be Alicia, who when during the reward challenge the tribe was asked to write down who they felt deserved to be there the least. Nearly everyone wrote Alicias name down, making her very angry with her tribe mates. So due to her anger, Romber decided to vote her out next. They totally blindsided her, as Rob swore to her that they would be voting for Rupert. Alicia was axed and Probst made an interesting comment to the tribe. When they are dealing with voting out an enemy, they are very honest about it. But when it comes to a friend, they just stick the knife in the back and blind side them.
Why she is gone?
Attitude. Poor attitude. Trusted Romber.
How she could have stayed?
Made an alliance with Shii Ann, trying to pull in Rupert and possible even Jenna in with them.
See ya next time yolks!
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